Things I should have said.

These pants do feel a little tight in the crotch, actually.
I don't think I can hold that end of the piano all by myself.
Clearly, you're a jackass. A racist jackass that likes to have sex with his sister.
I...have speak English...berry not well.
Dude. She's making out with that guy right over there.
You don't seem anything like your wholly annoying but totally hot character on television.
Pierogis ROCK.
Antonyms, synomyms - fuck the grammar, let's have sex.
I think I'll try the chicken.
How many times have you tried this home perm thing, Mom?
I'm going to sleep now.
I've never read any Tolstoy, actually.
He's a total schmuck.
I'm waiting for the next song.
If you don't hold on for a second, I think I'm gonna pass out.
New York.
Warren G. Harding.
I love you, too.
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